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Mellow Videos Country Videos Rock Videos
Hard Rock Videos Punk Rock Videos Disco Videos

You might also like to join us on the Facebook Group 'The Green History Detectives' at:

All Episodes are available at THE GREEN HISTORY DETECTIVES.

Below are the yearbook photos of the Green High Class Of 1975.
The photos with a blue frame indicate that there is a link to take you to the classmate's public Facebook page, to their LinkedIn profile, to their business Internet Web site, or to the classmate's personal class web page, which may include links to all of the above and more. Click on the photo of the classmate to go to that location.
The photos with a white frame indicate that the classmate is no longer with us (i.e. deceased).

Rita Allen Tim Ball Tom Ball Dan Barnes Carl Bates Julie Bathori Toot Calhoun Jeff Casserman Monica Couglin Greg Daum Ervin Dickey Charles Dietz Dave Dixon Deneise Fessler Chuck Fletcher Dennis Fox Debby Fusselman Kim Gallagher Bob Holderfield John Horner Tom Hutchison Linda Korb Cindy Lowe Cheryl Magrell Steve Martie Mike Sapp Mark Schweder Mike Sickman Mark Sims Valerie Street Lucinda Urban Mitchell Wolter Valerie Williams

The classmates who are no longer with us are given again below:

Rita Allen Dan Barnes Julie Bathori Toot Calhoun Greg Daum Charles Dietz Dave Dixon Chuck Fletcher Dennis Fox Kim Gallagher Bob Holderfield John Horner Joe Howland Linda Korb Cindy Lowe Cheryl Magrell Steve Martie Mike Sapp Mike Sickman Mark Sims Mitchell Wolter Valerie Williams
Other classmates who are no longer with us are given below:
Mark Grayshock

The Class of 1975 Yearbook photos are given on the page below. There are buttons above the image that allow you to Zoom In and Out. Zooming is most effectively performed by clicking on 'ZOOM IN' or 'ZOOM OUT' and then pressing the return key repeatedly as desired. Panning is most effectively performed by using the cursor keys.

The direct Internet address to each classmate's web page is:

Classmates may email any information exactly as they would like it to be given on their page to:

Web Page Items

The list below gives items that may be included for the web page:

1. Email Addresses
2. Web Site Addresses
3. Photograph files (.jpg)
4. Background colors and/or files (.jpg or .gif)
5. MIDI Music files (.mid)
6. GIF Animation files (.gif)
7. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) source code files (.htm)


I personally do not hesitate to include Email and Web Site addresses on Internet Web Pages. However, I do not include home addresses or phone numbers because visitors can email and ask for the information.
Web Page Photographs

There are basically three (3) methods available to create a JPEG (.jpg) file of a photograph that you would like on your web page. Each method is described below:

1. File created by your Digital Camera
The photo taken by a Digital Camera resides in a .jpg file that may be downloaded from the camera to your computer.

2. File created by your Scanner
The photo scanned by a Scanner is represented in a .jpg file that is written to your computer.

3. File created at Photo Department of store (e.g. Wal Mart)
Simply take your photos to any store Photo Department that has a Kodak Picture Maker or Fuji Aladdin machine. These machines scan your photos and write the .jpg files created to a CD that you purchase from the Photo Department. Wal Mart charges $3.84 for the CD and it can hold 100 to 150 .jpg files (one .jpg file for each photo). Assistants are there that are always happy to help you. Write the .jpg files from the CD to your computer.

Once the .jpg file(s) reside on your computer, simply attach the file(s) to an email message and send to GreenHigh1975@aol.com. Please don't hesitate to email any questions you may have as well. We recommend that photos be kept at a maximum resolution of 640x480 pixels.


Green High School Online

MSN Groups Green High School

Green High School Wikipedia


Backgrounds, Graphics, Etc.

MIDI Sound Room

Consumers Report

NRA Gun Safety Rules

Gun Safety LESSONS LEARNED: Rule #1

Gun Safety LESSONS LEARNED: Rule #2

Gun Safety LESSONS LEARNED: Rule #3

Words Of Wisdom


In a city of Ohio
Stands our high school dear
Midst the homes of friends and neighbors
Our lives center here.
So we praise the name, O Green High
Keep you standards high,
Lift Your voices loud and loyal
to the very sky.


35 Year Reunion Photos

30 Year Reunion Photos

25 Year Reunion Photos

20 Year Reunion Photos

15 Year Reunion Photos

10 Year Reunion Photos

5 Year Reunion Photos

Greenwood Elementary Photos

Miscellaneous Photos

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Enjoy, Green High Class Of 1975!